Article 370 full hindi movie 2024 watch online now

Article 370 full hindi movie 2024



Directo:Aditya Suhas Jambhale
Writer:Aditya Dhar,ArjunDhawan,Aditya Suhas Jambhale
Stars:Yami Gautam,Mohan Agashes,sukhita Aiyar.

Article 370  Movie Review

All because of the 6 rivers that flow through Kashmir to Pakistan.. Sept,1948- when
Pakistan occupied Skardu and Indian army had already occupied Zojjila pass, the Srinagar Kargil Leh Road and Indian army could have taken the entire valley, Nehru asked army not to advance further!! However, Nehru reportedly said that because up to that point there are Kashmiri - Kashmiri speaking after that point they were Punjabi Kashmiri speaking.. because sheik Abdullah told Nehru that his influence does not go beyond Kashmiri - Kashmiri speaking people and of course, Nehru had entire nation to build, a cease-fire was declared in December 1948 and that is how the first Indo Pak war ended in a stalemate..
 In 1950. Sir Dixon suggested that Jammu & Ladakh since they are mainly Buddhist and Hindu should be with India and similarly the regions of Gilgit Poonch-Muzaffarabad-Mirpur should go to Pakistan and the Valley which is a Muslim majority should be put to a regional plebiscite. But Pakistan was not happy because that means loosing rivers to India!! With that Abdullah enacted big landed estates abolition act (land reform act) in Oct 1950. Under the Act, huge landmasses were taken away to end landlordism in J&K That impacted mostly the Hindus and pandits who actually owned the cultivated lands and they were not compensated!! In November of 1951 the JK constituent assembly was formed and that was the end of the monarchy. In July 1952 Delhi agreement was signed by Nehru and Abdullah - lot of power was given to state including their own flag, own prime minister, inspite of Kashmir became an integral part of india Article 370 was incorporated in Indian constitution to give J&K a right that was devised by the original instrument of accession and enabled them to ratify their own constitution. It provided a reasonable autonomy to the state! Very few may know that in 1953 Bharatiya Jansangh leader Shyamaprasad Mukherjee went to Jk to protest Article 370 and he was arrested by then Kashmir government! He later died in custody!!!! A quick snapshot of a checkered history of the region and A-370..

Talking about the film, it is is a thought-provoking and engrossing film. It is never easy to treat such a controversial and sensitive issue staying unswayed but film does not fail to investigate the complexities of Kashmir's political landscape. A fictional story, but it dives into this 70 years-old bitter reality, exploring the turbulent events happened in the region during those 70 years.

Well-researched subject. The script is crisp and compelling, with a powerful cast that brings depth and authenticity to their characters. Yami Gautam is superb as Zooni Haksar, an intelligence agent tasked with navigating the treacherous waters of the region's politics, while Priya Mani delivers a powerful performance who is caught in this crossfire. Breathtaking cinematography that captures the beauty and vulnerability of the region so vividly. Impressive background score that leaves an impact of the poignant moments. While the movie takes creative liberties to drive its narrative, it does so without sacrificing the essence of the real-life events that inspired it.
A powerful, thought-provoking film that leaves one reflecting on the heavy cost of conflict, a conflict that perhaps could have been avoided or resolved before it ran its course. A must watch!

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