Showing posts with label English movie2024. Show all posts
Showing posts with label English movie2024. Show all posts

'Edge of Tomorrow2 (2024 ) full HD English Movie

'Edge of Tomorrow2 '2024  full HD English Movie




Director:Doug Liman

Writer:Christopher McQuarrie,JezButterworrie,JohnHenry Butterworth

Stars:Tom Cruise,Emaily Blunt,Bill paxton

Edge of Tomorrow movie Review

One of the most ingenious film concepts ever created, a cross between 'Saving Private Ryan' and 'Groundhog Day', 'Edge of Tomorrow' is a gripping and clever blockbuster sci-fi thrill-ride accompanied with taut, fast-paced action and compelling direction. Tom Cruise and Emily Blunt form a perfect chemistry that takes them from the training ground, to the battlefield through to the action-bound finale in Paris. The premise of the time-loop has been used many times before, but this time round there are enough exciting visuals and dynamic storytelling skills employed to make this one thrilling (and unexpectedly comedic) flick that is unpredictable and expertly designed. A model of cinematic craftsmanship.

It's hard to compromise how a film of such similar plot development to Groundhog Day can be considered to be such a great action movie, but like the events in this film, you just have to see it to believe it. Edge of Tomorrow is honestly my favorite Tom Cruise movie, and when you have such a great track record like Cruise, that's really saying something. The film is phenomenal, as with Groundhog Day it follows a similar plot, but it certainly has a different way at going at the themes it develops. Cruise and Blunt make a terrific pair in this action/sci-fi/thriller and the film is nothing short of brilliant. The special effects are mesmerizing, the look of the film daunting, and yet nostalgic and fully realized. I love the development of the world we find our characters in, and all the aliens it involves. I love nearly every aspect of this film, and although on the surface it may not seem original, it certainly feels that way. In the end, Edge of Tomorrow is a must see action flick that will have audiences on the edge of their seats, and is a must see for any Sci-=fi or Cruise fan in general.

An alien race has invaded the Earth starting in Europe. After 5 years of relentless defeats where the Mimics seem to anticipate every move, the United Defense Force finally has a victory with the invention of a new jacket technology. Rita Vrataski (Emily Blunt) is hailed as an example of the new success. William Cage (Tom Cruise) is a military media officer. General Brigham (Brendan Gleeson) is sending him on the first wave to cover the expected victory. He is arrested and forced to fight under Master Sergeant Farell (Bill Paxton). He manages to kill a large Mimic. He is sprayed with its blood and dies. He wakes up the previous morning as a prisoner about to go into battle.

The action is fantastic. The idea is terrific. Tom Cruise starts as his arrogant stock character and transition into his superhero stock character. Emily Blunt continues to excel in a character reminiscent of her character in Looper. Everything comes together. This is funny and exciting. Doug Liman puts it all together into a great thrilling ride.
I was enjoying my Sunday evening watching the World Test Championship Final against India and New Zealand until the dark clouds hovered at the sky in Southampton and stopped the play. I switched to Netflix, searched for a movie and played one, however, eventually I was going to go back watching Cricket once it started. Guess what? I never did until I ended. Cricket runs through my blood. My two most favourite teams were at the cricket ground facing each other for the ultimate battle of the World Championship with millions of people supporting both. I was so mesmerized in the movie, I hardly checked out the score. Edge of Tomorrow took me to such an edge of my seat for long I farted almost a hundred times unknowingly. (It's quite a deal-breaker if you're planning to watch a movie with me.) I was profoundly engaged in it for what's going to come. Even good movies have several dull moments, I could hardly figure out one in this movie. Although the first few minutes got me thinking why are they trying to mix The US Army with The UK. This movie has almost everything in it. A package full of entertainment including Action, Sci-fi, adventure and a little bit of comedy whenever they got a chance to add some. The actors were amazing. Tom Cruise and Emily Brunt were so good can't expect better. The others didn't really have much to do with all the limelight shared between the two of them, however, at the end all came out remarkable. Special effects could have been better largely, considering it was a high-budget movie. Also, one thing which could be elaborated more was about the antagonist. I feel their side should have been shown a little.
Truthfully, we humans are always curious to know more about them. All that was focused on were the two protagonists. This is not just a one-time watch movie, can keep watching it over years.
You could describe this movie as a dizzying combination of Groundhog Day, Starship Troopers, Source Code and The Butterfly Effect. Edge of Tomorrow borrows from these films and while some of the individual ideas may not therefore be groundbreakingly original, the way they're combined and put to use in Edge of Tomorrow by director Doug Liman certainly is. As aliens have invaded Earth, humanity's only hope lies in a cowardly PR officer Bill Cage (played by Tom Cruise) with no combat skills who is sent to the front lines. His only advantage? A save point, sort of. Are you excited yet? You should be. I don't want to tell you more specifics about the plot because it's best to experience and discover this great piece of work yourself.
have to love Tom Cruise as an actor, he always gives his roles a 100 percent and he's phenomenal in Edge of Tomorrow - Physical, funny and determined. I'd say this is his best performance since Collateral. Emily Blunt is fantastically badass as the poster girl of the war, Rita Vrataski. This is her first real action film and she knocks it out of the park. Cruise and Blunt also have great chemistry together. Bill Paxton and Brandon Gleeson give great supporting performances and most of the supporting soldiers have distinct personalities even with their limited screen times.
Edge of Tomorrow's world building is slick and credible. The CGI and the special effects are seamless and bring the great set pieces and the relentless aliens to life. The action is really exhilarating (the cool exoskeleton suits definitely help here) and the script is very witty and inventive as it needs to be when you're dealing with time travel (or time resets if you will). Despite its action thrills Edge of Tomorrow finds plenty of room for character development both for Cruise and Blunt. The script also manages to pull off some quite funny scenes (especially in the training segment). I also have to mention James Herbert's snappy editing because it's that good. The the situations could get old really fast if it wasn't for the fast-paced editing that concisely and freshly shows the differences in each repetition Cruise goes through. The pacing is absolutely relentless and there isn't a boring moment in the film.
The tone of the film is pretty much perfect for a summer blockbuster. It's not overly morose or gloomy despite the backdrop of an alien invasion. Instead it opts for wit, fun and action thrills. I was really gripped from start to finish and I had this big grin on my face when I left the theater. I really liked the other recent blockbusters in Godzilla and X-Men: Days of Future Past but Edge of Tomorrow surpasses them both. If only every summer blockbuster was such good fun.