Showing posts with label Tamil movie 2024. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tamil movie 2024. Show all posts

Grand Releash Today Devid 2024 full movie

Grand Releash Today Devid 2024 full movie




Director:Abhishek Nama

Writer:Srikanth Vissa

Stars:Einaaz Norouzi,Nandamuri kelyan Ram,Mark BENNINGTON

Grand Releash Today Devid Review

Watched this movie.. Really superb.. Maintained suspense well.. Screenplay is good.. Execution is super. Twists are awesome... Need some knowledge about freedom fighters and code language...linked first plot to second plot well...production values are top notch... Kalyanram acting is good.. His films never disappoint us.. This film is also good one.. But more underrated... I liked this movie very much..jail fight sequence is too good... But climax fight sequence is not believable... Except climax everything is superb... Twists are very good... I liked this movie very much... Why low ratings are given I don't know

It's a must watch! The movie has a very nice depiction of valour and sacrifices by our freedom fighters. The movie has a lot of twists and it qualifies well to be called as a suspence, thriller and action packed movie. The viewer is entertained all along. Each and every actor of the movie has done justice to their role. Kalyan Ram and Menon has acted superbly! No words to describe their acting. It also depecits how cruel and cunning British were.

Not sure why there are some negative reviews for this movie, perhaps, most of those negative reviews are by British boot lickers or so-called (pseuodo)seculars.

Wow! This film took 'inspired by RRR' very seriously, although I am not complaining. DEVIL is a surprisingly superb film that nicely blends patriotic action drama with a scintillating mystery. The first half is all about a murder investigation, and slowly the whole affair unfolds in the second half. The writing is neat, and the direction is good too. The film has some technical issues, and the fight in the climax goes in a 'too much' direction. But despite its flaws, DEVIL is a solid period mystery action about INA.

I am so happy to see Kalyan Ram choosing such different projects rather than sticking to those boring mass template films. It's really sad to see this film fail, but I hope he doesn't get disheartened, and chooses similar projects in the future that are different from the usual template affairs. Well done team!

It's set within a general background idea of Indian independence over British rule, with the local British secret service having a mole in the enemy camp (the INA), and the INA having a mole in the British camp. An innocent woman is murdered because the murderer feared that she would expose his cover. The British sent an Indian agent (codenamed Devil) to overtly investigate the murder, but covertly to penetrate the enemy network by gaining their confidence. Devil is to help capture the INA's leader, Bose. However, his tactics seem at variance with his handlers' commands. His handlers come across as rather sadistic people; Devil seems more honourable.

Historically British colonialism was probably a great benefit to India, and India can look back somewhat wistfully after Independence (Nigel Biggar's Colonialism (2024); Peter Hitchen's Short Breaks in Mordor . But historical facts and figures aside, one can enjoy the themes of a good side on the ground (though the INA) battling against the evil side on the ground (though the British). On whose side is the devil? Has he fallen for a pretty face?

There is a heavy body count, and stylised blood flows thick and fast-some deaths are gruesome. A woman is frequently prefixed as Ms in the English text-that semantic attack on marriage only began in the 60s, I think, after the historical setting of the film, so is anachronistic. There is also a 'my god', which some would find cringeworthy. A couple of songs go on and on, cutting down the action and the plot, but perhaps enjoyable to an Indian audience. The action is patently absurd, but let it pass with a sack of salt.

I gave three stars for the action sequences, which, though wildly over the top and completely unbelievable, had visceral appeal. Decent acting & a good musical number too. The cinematography and effects were very good.

But the plot is nationalist claptrap that bears no resemblance at all to historical events.

Who needs the Mahatma when a virtually invulnerable INA Superman can defeat the British Army singlehandedly in pitched battle? Never mind that Bose was allied with Hitler & Imperial Japan, who would have ruled India with an iron hand after the British left. And some of the details are silly. Muzzle loading canons were long gone.

British Imperial occupation of India was evil, but this is a perversion of history. It's as if Gandhi never existed.

It's set within a general background idea of Indian independence over British rule, with the local British secret service having a mole in the enemy camp (the INA), and the INA having a mole in the British camp. An innocent woman is murdered because the murderer feared that she would expose his cover. The British sent an Indian agent (codenamed Devil) to overtly investigate the murder, but covertly to penetrate the enemy network by gaining their confidence. Devil is to help capture the INA's leader, Bose. However, his tactics seem at variance with his handlers' commands. His handlers come across as rather sadistic people; Devil seems more honourable.

Historically British colonialism was probably a great benefit to India, and India can look back somewhat wistfully after Independence (Nigel Biggar's Colonialism (2024); Peter Hitchen's Short Breaks in Mordor . But historical facts and figures aside, one can enjoy the themes of a good side on the ground (though the INA) battling against the evil side on the ground (though the British). On whose side is the devil? Has he fallen for a pretty face?

There is a heavy body count, and stylised blood flows thick and fast-some deaths are gruesome. A woman is frequently prefixed as Ms in the English text-that semantic attack on marriage only began in the 60s, I think, after the historical setting of the film, so is anachronistic. There is also a 'my god',

which some would find cringeworthy. A couple of songs go on and on, cutting down the action and the plot, but perhaps enjoyable to an Indian audience. The action is patently absurd, but let it pass with a sack of salt.